Last updated 26-Mar-2025
Using the factory gate dates for cars in our database, we can plot the factory production rates over time. The data lags slightly as Tesla need to list a car with a valid date and VIN to create a data point which usually means cars need to appear in CPO/Used inventory to appear on the chart. That said, it's typically there's usually only a small lag before we see cars with recent production dates.
Below the chart we explain each of the lines were there is more than one, which factory they come from, and notably changes in rate.
Fremont, China
Fremont, China, Berlin and Texas
The slight change in colour indicates a change in the YEAR letter in the VIN, this usually equates to the model year change, especially since the 2019-2020 year change
You can select and deselect individual locations by clicking on their name.
Model 3 production has been done in 2 factories, Fremont and China.
The first scattered band until Mar 2020 is the Fremont production, the scattering untiul early 2020 clearly showing a a degree of randomness of the VIN allocations in procuction sequencing. You can also clearly see the struggle to ramp up production until late 2018. The line continues at a slower rate from March 2020 as a result of the introduction of Model Y production. In July 2021 the VIN number resets to zero and the Fremont production continues as the last of the 3 lines.
The line starting in January 2020 is the China production. You can also see the signs of the production ramp up although this was much quicker than Fremont. There is some tapering off in 2022 due to factory closures as a result of Covid. In late 2022 there was a slightly steeper line as a result of the changes made to the production although this is very slight, if at all.
Fremont production rates (based on VIN numbers) seems to be at an average 880 cars per day and has been for some time.
China production rates seem slightly highter and based on the last 3 months of the year have averaged 1055 cars per day. There was no obvious rate change as a result of the factory reconfigurations in the late summer unlike Model Y production.
We're expecting to see a fall off of build over the summer of 2023 as there is wide spread speculation that Tesla will be reconfiguring the production lines for the Highland update
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