Last updated 07-Mar-2025
This article covers Tesla 2022.36.15 Release notes including FSD Beta v10.69.3 and generated by real cars. Tesla frequently issue a new software update release to the cars and while not every release includes new features, they do often include undocumented bug fixes. We list the release notes and allow you to search to see how feature areas have changed. We also list counties and car models where the particular feature has been seen.
For information on which versions are on specific models and years, see our Trending Tesla releases and statistics for more information.
Select the Release Family (which will include all sub versions) or enter the search term. You can also search for a version by entering its full number. If you wish to filter by country, use the 2 letter international code e.g. GB for Great Britain, US for United States or AU for Australia. Our results are now based on the release notes actually seen in cars and countries, it is possible we don't have a suitable match in your country although we current monitor cars in approx 50 counties, in which case look at the wider release notes for nearby countries.
Including 2022.36.15, (no cars)
A more detailed heat map and release statistics are available.
The long awaited FSD City Streets Beta 10.69.3 release which we initially detected on both a 2021 MS and a 2021 MY. The notes mention:
As well as a sigificant FSD version increment, it also brings those on the City Streets FSD pilot a number of updates which have become available since their previous general software version, 2022.20.xx. See Release Notes 2022.36 for details of the wide release family
Bugfix. Despite the release of 2022.40.1, Tesla have released a further iteration of 2022.36. We’ve seen no new release notes and assume it’s no more than another bugfix release.
See Release Notes 2022.36 for the release notes family
An undocumented change which we have noticed is the car visuals have changed. The car physically zooms in and out more, and more of the road is marked ahead of the car, especially when navigating bends and traffic roundabouts. The car also appears to physically turn on the display making the sides of the car more visible when the car is turning. We've looked back over previous videos and this behaviour does not appear to be present.
Tesla Vision was introduced in 2022.20 / 2022.24 and this may be an indicator of improvements that are now starting to filter through.
Bugfix. Very quickly after the launch of 2022.36.1, 2022.36.2 was seen, a week later we had 2022.36.4 and a further week on we now have 2022.36.5. Still no differences in the release notes but we suspect a number of issues have been addressed.
See Release Notes 2022.36 for the release notes family
Bugfix. Very quickly after the launch of 2022.36.1, came 2022.36.2 was seen, and a week later we now have 2022.36.4. No differences in release notes have been seen so far.
See Release Notes 2022.36 for the release notes family
Another v10 FSD City Streets beta release has come out as part of 2022.36.20 despite v11 having been released and currently on test on Tesla staff cars. All progress is good, however these release notes look very familiar to what's been released before and this update is probably no more than a bug fix release. Hopefully FSB v11 will not take any longer to be publically released as a result, and Musk is still suggesting the V11 release will be around Thanksgiving.
One consequence of this release seems to be the removal of the ability to send a snapshot following an event which means reporting problems is not possible. With FSDb now widely available to everyone in the Americas, there would simply be too much reporting of minor issues.
This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes.
Seen in US
Seen on M3 MY
Bugfix. Very quickly after the launch of 2022.36.1, 2022.36.2 has been seen, with cars upgrading from .1 to .2 quickly. No differences in release notes have been seen.
See Release Notes 2022.36 for the release notes family
The Tesla Guides or Manuals have been updated although the changes seem to be relatively cosmetic. The link takes you to a list for each model.
The long awaited FSD City Streets Beta 10.69.3 release which we initially detected on both a 2021 MS and a 2021 MY. The notes mention:
As well as a sigificant FSD version increment, it also brings those on the City Streets FSD pilot a number of updates which have become available since their previous general software version, 2022.20.xx. See Release Notes 2022.36 for details of the wide release family
Sentry Mode continuously monitors your car’s surroundings while it’s locked and parked. When enabled, the car automatically enters the Standby state while its cameras and sensors remain powered to detect potential threats and trigger an appropriate response state: Alert or Panic. To enable Sentry Mode, go to Controls > Safety > Sentry Mode.
If a minimal threat is detected, such as someone leaning on your car, Sentry Mode switches to the Alert state, displaying a message on your touchscreen indicating that cameras are recording.
If a major threat is detected, such as someone breaking a window, Sentry Mode switches to the Panic state. In this state, the touchscreen increases to maximum brightness, and you receive a notification on your mobile app.
This update is for countries where Sentry mode was previously not approved
Learn more about your vehicle's energy consumption with the updated Energy app. You can now: Monitor the amount of energy used while driving and parked, see how much energy is consumed by different vehicle components, driving behaviours, and environmental conditions, view energy used in comparison to trip projection and the battery indicator, receive personalized suggestions for using energy more efficiently.
A by product of this is when rapid charging, including supercharging, the energy reaching the car displayed on the screen is now the total (gross) energy being received and not just the (net) energy reaching the battery.
This follows earlier updates to the energy consumption calculations which included and warnings for weather conditions en route.
The redesigned Supercharger map pop-up will now display historical site occupancy in addition to the associated charging fees when available. To view these details, tap on any Supercharger pin that is in the vicinity of your vehicle.
Pricing information can still only be seen from the car. To find supercharger locations on the app, look at the cars current position and then zoom out. In countries where 3rd parties are allowed to use supercharges, pricing can be found on that section of the app, but only for superchargers which are part of the scheme.
Car Left Open Notifications will now notify you when the doors have been accidentally left unlocked.
You can now select Lithuanian as your touchscreen language. To update your language settings, tap Controls > Display and select your preferred language from the 'Touchscreen Language' drop- down menu.
Lithuanian voice controls are likely to follow within 6 months
Autopilot will now show an alert and disengage when the vehicle is near the end of a merge into a lane separated by a painted lane line, and there is no lane change active.
This is specific to some regions, notably Europe, due to legislative regulations.
View additional media player details and the ETA to a destination when a route is active from the Tesla mobile app with version 4.13.0.
You will need to check you have the latest App running on your device.
For Model 3 and Model Y owners, also check out the remote door open feature elsewhere in the release notes, ideal if you often find your car frozen shut.
Choose the activation temperature for Cabin Overheat Protection according to your preferences by tapping Controls > Safety > Cabin Overheat Protection.
The ability to change the temperature is not available in every country.
Cabin overheat will still timeout after 12 hours.
Cabin overheat can use a lot of energy.
Sing along to your favoutire songs by tapping the Caraoke icon on the Application Launcher. Back seat passengers can join in by viewing the lyrics on the rear display. To add or remove vocal tracks during playback, tap on the micriphone icon on the "Now Playing" screen.
Back seat screen is limited to the 2021+ MS and MX.
If you are driving over 50 km/h (31 mph) and brake forcefully, the brake lights will now flash quickly to warn other drivers that your car is rapidly slowing down. If your car stops completely, the hazard warning lights will flash until you press the accelerator or manually press the hazard warning lights button to turn them off.
This is has been added to our release notes as it has been mentioned on various twitter and forum threads, although this was first seen as far back as 2019 and as recently as 2022.20. We imagine this is therefore linked to specific countries which have been held back until now, either for technical or more likely local legislative reasons.
High pitch buzzing on some cars, notably 2021+ Model S and Model X, has been fixed.
DAB radio interference on some Model 3 and Model Y is thought to be fixed. We will update once verified.
Autopilot and other tips are now offered while you drive. We think this is a stupid change, to make suggestions such as "try autopilot" whilst you are driving can only be a distraction from where you should be focusing your attention.
Mirror and steering wheel calibration is now available. With an increase in the use of Tesla cloud profiles, any feature that will adjust in any car you drive requires the car components to be calibrated. If the calibration is off, the car will have no real way of knowing the actual angle you want the mirrors, seat or steering wheel to be set to. It is worth periodically calibrating your own car as if your calibration is off, any new car you drive will still not set these things to the correct position, even if that car is calibrated.
Rear console screen on 2021+ MS and MX is not accessible. This may be linked to the Caraoke update which was meant to use this screen.
Rear Aircon on 2021+ MS and MX seems to have stopped working for Air Con and fan speed, even when controleld from the front screen. Some report forcing a reinstall on 2022.36.2 cures the issue.
Oncoming traffic on cars (excluding city streets beta) are still not showing consistently, if at all. This bug was instroduced as part of 2022.28. Speed limit signs are still read on the opposite carriageway, and ironically items such as wheelie bins are also spotted from some distance, but oncoming cars do not generally appear.
Supercharger locations have now disappeared from the map unless you are specifically looking for them. Some sites are reporting the ability to hide details for a simplified navigation map by toggling the pin button next to the supercharger button on the screen. This has been available for some time, but there is certainly a change in the information displayed in this area, and the lack of seeing supercharging locations is, we feel, a backwards step.
Not directly related to the car release, but coming out at the same time is a new in app email Inbox.
This is one part of the app that has been consistently under used by Tesla, we can recall only a small handful of messages over the 7 years we've owned Teslas. There have been many opportunities for Tesla to use this as a way of sending secure and inportant messages to the users of the car.
Exactly how Tesla are going to use this going forward is yet to be seen, but as the screenshot says... it's New.
This is not an area we recommend casual users to venture into, but the service+ area now has a Battery Health Test function.
This requires the battery to be below 50%, the car plugged in to a level 2 charger, and will discharge the battery completely before charging it back up, a process which can take 24 hours or so, so not a easy check to perform.
It's a shame there is not an easier way to see the car's current battery health/level of degradation, but we also know that BMS calibration and Cell Balancing all make a big difference and why many of the 3rd party battery health reports where the API is used are basically rubbish. We do see this as an option for dealers to perform the test and include the results in their sales material, especially on older or higher mileage cars where it may be more of a concern, or where the battery warranty is nearing the end.
Quick control to unlatch Model 3 or Model Y driver door. Helpful if the door handle is frozen.
Requires software version 2022.36+ in the car and version 4.14 app on your phone.
We would recommend trying to ensure the glass isn't frozen in place, especially across the seal with the door where it slides down. We've now tested it when some distance from the car and you don't appear to be able to accidently open thye car when not actually next to the car.
Battery heating performance has been improved when driving at highway speeds with a Supercharger selected as the destination.
Previously the battery heating could start some time before the selected supercharger was due to be reached resulting in higher consumption as the higher battery temperature had to be maintained for longer.
This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes.
Seen on M3 MY
This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes.
Seen in AE ES US
Seen on M3
This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes.
Seen in HK
Seen on MY
Lot's of people have random issues after a software install, many of them curing themselves after a reboot. As a general rule, we'd suggest always doing a scroll wheel reboot after a software update, simply press the two steering wheel scroll wheels until the screen turns off and then let go. The screen will come back within a minute or so, depending on hardware. It's certainly worth doing this is you notice any unusual behaviour, but prevention is better than cure. There's a second reset option which is to change the car configuration slightly, either the language, or wheel type. This also causes the car to do a soft reset and this has returned missing features such as Tidal. Our Guide to rebooting your Tesla provides more details.
In a word, you can't really force it yourself although you can help the car to download the update once it's been allocated to have an update. To do so, connect the car to WiFi, and maybe even consider a wireless hotspot when in use. Car's not connected to WiFi generally do not receive updates quickly.
If you visit the software screen and see the car hasn't checked for a few days, perform a scroll wheel reset. The car typically checks as soon as it reboots and we've had a software update immediately afterwards as a result.
You may find the car sticks at 50% for a while. We've seen reports that keeping the car awake will help speed past past this point as the car will try and sleep and halt the process. Even keeping the mobile phone app open may help to prevent the car sleeping.
There are a number of reasons why a particular feature or change may not be included when your car upgrades. These include regional restrictions, hardware specific features, model specific updates and some changes are linked to software options purchased such as EAP or FSD. There are also times when software release notes are provided but only Tesla test engineers get the updates.
Not having a listed feature or update for a particular car is therefore quite normal. Some websites try to detail which cars get which features but this is often inaccurate, such as the blended braking update that came out with 2022.16 and the alternate routes option in 2022.28.
Against each release note we now list the car models and countries where a particular release note has been seen.
Just as a feature may not land in every car, the feature may be mentioned in later releases when your car already has it. The release notes in the car are tuned to your car so, and while in general the car will only report a new feature once, that is not a rule that always holds true. Some websites say the feature is not available in your country whereas the reality is the feature has been there for some time
The FSD City Streets Beta is usually 2 to 3 releases behind the general software releases. This is normal.
Release notes are numbered roughly using the a format. The year is self explanatory, the family release typically increments in 4's and is roughly the week of the year when the release family is launched, although these tend to slip over the course of the year. The major and minor release numbers of much debated, we personally believe these rarely contain new features not included in the family, and if there are differences it is linked to hardware specific versions.
When reviewing release notes, you may be interested in how a feature has evolved. To enable this we have also included a keyword search where you can search for a word or phrase and we will filter the results accordingly.
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