Tesla CPO Inventory Counts, aggregated Globally

Last updated 28-Mar-2025

On 19/20th June 2023, Tesla changed the US inventory to allow duplicate dummy vins across states ie the same dummy VIN could be used in multiple locations where the actual car could not physically be the same car based on other factors such as color differences. We treat each state individually but deduplicate where a car in two states has the same physical location as this is possible near state boundaries. It is possible some cars are duplicated, especially cars in transit without a physical location, but we try to be consistent in our approach to enable people to see trends.

At present, other countries do not seem to be affected.

Factory totals

The tables below show the global CPO inventory availability for each model by factory/region of production. This gives insight into which factories have excess production which may lead to decisions about assigning production to other regions not typically served by that factory, e.g. China production going to NA.

It should also be noted Tesla rarely publish CPO Inventory data in China, so there may be more China production effectively in inventory than we can obtain via the normal routes.

North America production

Any VINs starting 5YJ or 7SA, so will include Texas and Fremont

  • Model S - 242
  • Model X - 260
  • Model 3 - 861
  • Model Y - 379
  • Cybertruck - 0
  • Total = 1742

China production

Any VINs starting LRW, which are China only

  • Model S - NA
  • Model X - NA
  • Model 3 - 296
  • Model Y - 260
  • Cybertgruck - NA
  • Total = 556

Berlin production

Any VINs starting XP7, which are Berlin, Germany only

  • Model S - NA
  • Model X - NA
  • Model 3 - NA
  • Model Y - 129
  • Cybertruck - NA
  • Total = 129

The current live total is 2427 cars. This is an increase of 31 from last weeks 2396, an increase of 70 from last months 2357, and an increase of 526 from last quarters 1901,


Limit the amount of history by selecting how many quarters to go back below

The charts below show the Tesla CPO Inventory counts, by model, Globally. The countries covered includes all countries. Inventory is checked continually, and a CPO inventory car is only marked as sold if it is removed from the Tesla inventory listings. On mobile devices, the charts may display better in landscape. Click on the legend to toggle that line on/off.

Individual model numbers

Cumulative/stacked numbers

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