Tesla factory build date

Last updated 11-Mar-2025

To get the approximate date when a car was built, please enter the VIN number below. For very new cars built within the last couple of months it may be hard to find a nearby date, however our Tesla production date charts show clear build rate trends which can be used to estimate a build date. What is not so easy is to know exactly when certain features change, such as the removal of the parking sensors, as the cutover date was not clean, with a mixture of cars being built for a period of time.

Please enter the full VIN above. We will work out the model and factory, and then look up similar cars to find their build dates to give you an approximate build or factory departure date for the VIN supplied. We do not expect to have an exact match on every VIN, but the VINs either side of your VIN should give you an indication of the approximate date the VIN was built or left the factory.

We make reasonable endeavours to be accurate and the data is taken directly from Tesla. As maybe evident from the results, cars are not built in strict VIN order.

These are the dates Tesla have reported the stated cars have left the factory. Depending on where you are in the world, and the factory where the car was made, the time to reach the local destination will vary and can be as long as 3 weeks. These are also build dates, and not dates of first registration.

Please see our inventory listings for details of cars in your area.

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