2015 BMW i3 60 REX listed at £0

Last updated 00:00 06-Feb-2024

Details for a 2015 BMW i3 60 REX
  • Price £0
  • Market Avg £9,514
  • Cheap by £9,514
  • Mileage 61,100
  • Sold by Private seller on Autotrader
  • Located in CRAMLINGTON
  • First listed on 09-Apr-2023
  • Colour Grey


Full service history


Never have to scrape a windscreen again, pre heat the vehicle and prepare the batteries for maximum efficiency. The bmwi3 is probably the best second car on the market, no range anxiety with a built in generator for those longer journeys. This example is in excellent condition throughout, recent mot and replacement of all disks and brakes should mean little needs done for the next year. If you want to try electric and want great build quality this is an excellent choice. Guaranteed rust free, the all carbonplastic/carbonfibre body will last for years. This won't be long on the market get in quick. No time wasters or trade. Next mot due 18/01/2024, full service history, grey, £13, 930 reg plate: 15 cramlington private seller

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